Tree – a Taco Jonez “Chopped Poem”

Debuting a new concept, “Chopped Poetry”   The concept is simple show the editing process of a poem …in the poem.  Each stanza takes us down the editing path to reveal in the final stanza/chop the finish poem.

The Tree

Let the winds carry the leaves

across the ponds and lakes

dropping them on moss and rocks

and knees bent pointing at the sun

Fingertips break up the wind’s kiss

and let is fall like snow

on eyelids closing

for the longings of lips

and cascading emotions

Chop 1

Winds carry the leaves

across ponds and lakes

dropping them on moss rocks

and knees pointing at the Sun

Fingertips break the wind’s gust

letting it fall like snow

on eyelids closing

for longing lips

and cascading emotions

Chop 2

Winds carry leaves

across ponds and lakes

dropping them on mossy rocks

and knees aimed at the Sun

Fingertip shred the wind

letting it fall like snow

on eyelids closed

to longing lips

Chop 3

Wind swept leaves

over ponds and lakes

rest on moss


bent knee

fingers slice the wind

and it falls like snow

across the eyes

and lips

Published by tacojonez

“Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don't be sorry.” ― Jack Kerouac

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